William Henry Gates III (English: William Henry Gates III) famous Bill Gates, and Bill is an abbreviation of the name of William in the United States of America, a businessman and U.S. programmer and philanthropist. The second-richest person in the world. In 1975 founded Microsoft with Paul Allen has made his fortune by himself [1] and has the largest single share of stock is estimated nine percent of the shares offered
His life
Born in Seattle, Washington, on October 28, 1955). His parents, William Gates and Mary Maxwell Gates. Gates has big sister (Cristani) and junior sister (Libby). It was Whipple Gates fourth of his family name "IIII", but knew William Gates III (III), because his father left his title as the third (III), who is of Irish origin - Scottish (British). Bill Gates was born to a Protestant family belong to Church Alabrchanah. [3] [4] [5]
Child Bill grew up in a family with a long history Balachtgal in politics, business and social service. Work and father - his grandfather and conservative member of the legislature of the state, and the work of his grandfather vice president of a national bank, and his father was a prominent lawyer. She and his mother also a managerial position at the University of Washington, and was a prominent member of the boards of local organizations and banks. For it was not surprising that shows the child Bill intelligence, ambition and competitive spirit early on, has surpassed his colleagues in elementary school, especially in math and science, has realized his parents intelligence early, prompting them to reassign school Lakeside (Lakeside) private and known by lush outstanding academic , and this decision was a deep impact on the lives of Bill and his future, in this school know Bill on the computer for the first time.
His first computer
In the spring of 1968, decided to School Lakeside buy a computer to identify students a world of Computing, The computers at the time were still large and expensive, not the school can afford to buy a computer, for that decided the school users purchased duration is thatThe Council of mothers in school donation campaign which collected a few thousand dollars for this purpose.
Linked students with computers the company through the system - multi-user (Time-Sharing System) over the phone line at the school; and had to be to provide school students organ Partyaa (Terminal), students from which to download the software even be sent over the phone line to the computer company , where there are the treatment process and then send the results to the students via the phone line again. And again bear the expense of buying mothers Council peripheral device type (ASR-33) fed information through paper tape yellow color.
And from that moment became Bill passionate computer - and was then a student in the eighth grade - has spent the majority of his time in the computer room at the school busy writing programs and apply them to the point that he neglected his duties and absent from school ranks in some cases. In this room know Bill Paul Allen (Paul Allen), another student shared his passion and concern in computers, and in a short time has grown between them and close friendship that lasted for many years. The students consumed amount of time allocated to them in record time! The Council was unable mothers bear any additional expenses, pushed them to think of another source provides them with free accounts and a time is limited.
Agreed school later that year with a local company known as Computer Center Corporation - CCC to provide students with more time allocated on the computer, and the system of this company is working on a computer of the type (PDP-10), and accept the Bill and the rest of the students on this computer eagerly and were curious toward his regime, was not long until they began to raise problems. Has caused students to disrupt the system several times, and were able to break the protection system on the computer, also adjusted their files their own accounts for a longer period of time to use the computer, prompting the company of denying them to use the system for several weeks!
After the expiry of deprivation went four students from the school: (Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Rick Leland (Ric Weiland), and I Evans (Kent Evans)) to a company CCC, and gave a presentation requires that help the company to find system errors that have caused violations carried out by Students against the company that gives them a free time and unlimited use of the system. Since the company has tired of system crashes and repeated breach, and agreed to their request and decided to give them this opportunity.
And allowed this opportunity to set the possibility of studying the system software, and gained experience software and extensive programming languages were common at the time, such as BASIC (BASIC), Fortran (FORTRAN), LISP (LISP), and even machine language (Machine Language) They also produce some programs Games .
Starting towards the profession Age
In 1970 and faced CCC financial problems, prompting it to close its doors in March of that year. The group began a new search for granted the opportunity to use computers, Fovr them and Paul Allen's father a chance to use some of the computers, the University of Washington where he worked. But the group did not stop at this point, it was in dire need for those granted the opportunity to demonstrate their skills, computer and after one year and hired the group by a company (. Information Sciences Inc), to write a program to calculate salaries company using the programming language COBOL (COBOL). For the first time students received profit-making versus inimitable talent. In addition to this group granted ownership rights over their programs, have been legally recognized.
This small company achieved a profit of $ 20,000 USD in its first year, and Bill was then in high school, and the company continued to work until the entry Bill University.
In the fall of 1973 he joined Bell at Harvard University, was not at the time had decided after the type of study they wish it, Valthak Law School preliminary experiment, but his heart was still pending computer; was spending the night awake in front of computer laboratories in the university and then spend the day sleeping in the classroom. His friend Paul Allen has also attended Harvard University, and they were continuously Atkablan and they continue to think and dream future projects for the development of software and operating systems.
One day in the month of December of the year 1974, and while he was Paul Allen heading to visit his friend Bill stopped in front of a small shop for the attention of some magazines, and he signed a look at magazine (Popular Electronics) where he appeared on the cover picture of a computer "Altair 8800", and wrote under the file: " first micro-computer intended for commercial purposes, "he bought Paul magazine and quickly set out to see Bill. The two realized that this computer carries major Frsthma and you always dream of. Within days Contact Bill company Mets (Micro Instrumentation & Telemetry System - MITS) the manufacturer of the computer "Altair 8800", and told them that he has developed is a teammate Paul Allen (program interpreter) of the computer writing the programming language BASIC "Altair BASIC - interpreter".
This has been a big lie!! It was not Bill and Allen had books line programmatically one for this computer did not Ichehadah only in pictures magazine just did يمتلكا even processor Intel 8080 that runs it, but the company agreed to Mkablthma and experimenting new system, which pushed them to start working quickly to write the program. The process of writing the program is responsible for Bill Gates, while Paul Allen began working on finding a way to work computer simulation "Altair 8800" on computers "PDP-10" available in the campus workout program. After eight weeks of continuous work (almost in mid-February of 1975), the two felt that their program has become ready, Fastql Paul Allen plane heading for the Mets to view the program.
At a meeting held at the Mets and the presence of company president Ed Robert (Ed Robert) free Program Paul Computer "Altair 8800", and began the process of running the program for the first real time. Oh wonder!! The program works smoothly and without any errors, and Paul sat with astonishment of this great achievement, and contact Bell to wed him the good news.
Mets contracted directly with both Bill and Paul to buy property rights to the program, and Paul Allen was appointed vice president in the company's software division. In contrast Leave Bill Harvard University and moved on to work with Paul in the development of software; the two realized that the future lies in the software market and that they must Atsdra this path
The birth of Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft)
In mid-1975, and after the resounding success achieved by both Bill Gates and Paul Allen with the Mets, decided the two create a special partnership between them for the development of programs, أسمياها "Micro-Soft" and constitute this name from the words "Microcomputer" and "Software". Bill Gates owned 60% of the size of the company, while Paul Allen won the remaining 40%, and Bill protested to get the largest share to the reordering of the work in the company, while Paul was still a full-time employee with the Mets. Exposure program interpreter (BASIC-interpreter) which was developed by Microsoft during this period of the theft and illegal copying by hackers, angering Bill Gates and pushed him to write a letter to the pirates in the newspaper company Mets periodic "An Open Letter to Hobbyists", condemns theft and piracy and affirms the right of the programmer to get the price of his production through the sale of software. The result of this letter hostile reactions among piracy. In contrast got Bill on many of the messages that carry proposals to resolve the problem of piracy, included one program development within the chip, "read-only memory (ROM)", and thus become lines program engraved inside the chip of silicon, instead of entering the computer through the paper tape, which makes the theft virtually impossible, and this was the perfect solution in the eyes of Bill Allen, and decided to apply it next time.
With the end of 1976, Microsoft officially registered as an independent company, and earnings of nearly 104 thousand and U.S. $ 216. Paul Allen resigned from Mets for full-time work at Microsoft, and Microsoft continued to develop programs for different systems.
Partnership with IBM
In 1980 began, IBM Global (IBM - International Business Machine Company) project known as the Manhattan Project (Manhattan Project) for the manufacture of personal computers new known as PC "IBM" to be used in offices and homes, the company was in need of an operating system to the new computer; therefore contacted the Microsoft's trying to get on the system. But Microsoft were not possess an operating system ready at that time, so she proposed operating system CP / M, which was developed by company "Digital Research", and already worked IBM's proposal Bill draws delegates from the company to interview Gary Kjeldahl (Gary Kildall) founder "Digital Research ", but a quirk of fate that fails this meeting, it was not originally Gary Mtwajadda time meeting where he had boarded a plane to meet another customer!!!
IBM and returned request the assistance of Bill Gates, and this time he decided to meet their needs and provide them with personally desired running. So, Bill Gates and Paul Allen bought full rights to the operating system ready QDOS (Quick & Dirty Operating System) from developer system programmer Tim Patterson (Tim Paterson), who was working in the company Seattle Computer Products (Seattle Computer Products) for $ 50000 U.S. - did not announce
In the Partnership Agreement, which was held between Microsoft and IBM, Bill Gates insisted to be the exclusive provider of Microsoft operating systems for each personal computer, a subsidiary of IBM, in the sense that IBM is prohibited from contracting with any other software company to buy operating systems for their products. In contrast, the right to Microsoft retain full rights to develop and sell its own operating system for those who want to individuals or companies in an attempt to dominate the software market, a position amusing by reminding them that Bill Gates because he discovered he was going to the most important meeting of his life with IBM to hold a sale that without a tie, he went to the market and delayed the meeting, and says: "better to be late than to go without a tie" ..
And made him a system attractive because it sell at a fixed price and all without the allocation of the identity of the buyer - In the past, the operating systems sold exclusively to a particular company to be run on the devices this company only exclusively, but with the operating system MS-DOS has ended long monopoly and become software accessible to everyone - Bill Gates was aimed through it to build a huge base of users of Microsoft products becomes so the main supplier for all users. The programmer Tim Patterson resigned from the Seattle company for computer products to become an employee of Microsoft Corporation.
August 12, 1981 IBM announced the official publication of the personal computer IBM PC.
In the wake of these events argument broke out between Microsoft and Seattle Computer Products in which he accused both Bill Gates and Paul Allen to act in a manner contrary to the ethics of the profession. When They bought the operating system "QDOS" from the Seattle company did not mention never that they are in negotiations with IBM to develop the operating system. The Seattle company has filed a lawsuit on Microsoft Corporation on the basis of fraud and exploitation to complete the bargain by concealing important information about the nature of the relationship which has IBM company. This case ended later through an out-of-court financial settlement between the two companies.
Paul Allen's resignation
At the end of 1982, the injured Paul Allen Hodgkin's disease, a type of rare cancers that affect the lymphatic system in the body. And the impact Paul Allen resigned from Microsoft to devote himself to treatment, and so Paul Allen left Microsoft forever, but that did not prevent the continuation of the friendship that arose early between Lakeside buddy to this day.
The birth of Microsoft Windows and confrontation with Apple Inc. (Apple)
In 1985 produced Microsoft first version of the Windows operating system 1.0 (Microsoft Windows1.0), who used the application interface graphical (GUI)-inspired system (Xerox PARC) in addition to some parts of the interface are available in regular Apple Lisa and Mac (has allowed Apple computer to Microsoft using these parts on the basis of an agreement between the two companies). This system was an alternative to the operating system MS-DOS and a competitor to the other operating systems available in the market. This enabled the new system users to use your mouse, and move between several windows at the same time, with it contains several applications such as: Notepad (notepad), and a yearly calendar, clock, and program the calculator, as well as the possibility of activating the operating system MS-DOS.
In 1987, the company has produced Microsoft's second version of the operating system and Windows 2.0 (Windows 2.0), and has added some improvements, such as increased processing speed and increasing the size of the RAM used. In addition to supporting the windows feature overlap (overlapping), which means the possibility of opening several windows on top of each other.
Following the release of the second version of Windows, lifted Apple Computer Inc. in 1988 filed a lawsuit against Microsoft Corp. accuses of stealing some of the elements of the graphical application interface for Apple Macintosh computer and used in the Windows operating system. In 1990 and after produced Microsoft's third version of the operating system and Windows 3.0 (Windows 3.0), added additional Apple claims judicial theft lawsuit.
The Apple computer (Apple Computer, Inc) is a leading company in the manufacture of computer hardware and operating systems, originated in 1976, and a variety of versions of its personal computers such as the Apple 1 (Apple I), and Apple 2 (Apple II), and Apple Lisa (Apple Lisa), and Apple Macintosh (Mac) ((Apple Macintosh (Mac). and characterized these versions such as Apple Lisa and Macintosh using the application interface graphical (GUI), and which show windows, icons and menus and index directs using the mouse (mouse). has been used and the application interface graphical for the first time in system known as (Xerox PARC) in the early seventies, Apple has adopted a lot on this system to develop graphical application interface own.
Claimed Apple in its lawsuit judicial that Microsoft stole form and content "look and feel" of the operating system McIntosh, Casthaddamha some properties windows; possibility open on the desktop, resize, and Trakbha, being rectangular in shape, and contains the address bar (title bar).
After a long debate in the case, the judge insisted that Apple offers a specific list of items stolen, the company introduced a list of 189 items. After studying this list the judge decided that 179 of these elements was the right Microsoft used on the basis of the agreement concluded between the two companies in 1985, before the release of the first version of the Windows operating system. And the remaining ten elements does not belong to Apple that each was originally Mistoha system, Xerox, and others is the only way to Tobeiran certain idea. Thus judicial Apple lost its lawsuit, after four years (1992 m) of heated debate. Thinks some critics that Apple were not requests condemn Microsoft Corp. as they were requests to control the design rights full facades application graphical every personal computer on the market, but their hopes failed, did not deter the resolve of the Microsoft Corporation, but gave a boost to the front and fame additional, He also contributed to the success of the third edition of the Windows operating system, as Microsoft sold nearly 10 million copies of this system in the first two years, which began its doors to control the operating systems market not only in the U.S. but worldwide. moved so to become the largest company Software in the world, and made profits of Bill Gates the richest man in the world. Continued Microsoft year after year by issuing copies of successful Windows operating system such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and for Windows Vista did not receive such successes brothers. And the company issuing system and Windows 7 in the twenty-second of October, 2009, and impressions so far refer to accept majority excellent system.
Successful versions of Microsoft
Microsoft has released over thirty years many innovative programs that have spread all over the world and won the admiration of millions of users. Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when you mention the name of Microsoft's software package Office Office (Microsoft Office) issued for the first time in 1989, and includes a range of applications such as the famous: Word program (Word) and Excel (Excel) and PowerPoint (Power Point) and others. In an attempt to share Internet revolution that has swept the world, Microsoft released a program famous Internet Explorer browser (Internet Explorer) in 1994, which is currently used by about 80% of Internet users around the world. Also issued some basic applications such as: ActiveX, Microsoft SQL Server and the famous search engine MSN and then Microsoft has redesigned the engine and launched under the brand name Bing and huge marketing campaign is estimated at $ 100 million.
And Microsoft issued electronic encyclopedia Encarta (Microsoft Encarta) in the year 1993, and available in seven languages worldwide, and includes approximately percent thousand articles with lots of pictures two and three dimensions and sections comic illustrations and timelines, and characterized encyclopedia high degree of accuracy, impartiality and as a result of the financial crisis that hit the whole world was forced Microsoft to announce stopped to Encarta Encyclopedia.
Also contributed to company Maikarsowic in the production of a lot of software famous or development and added some existing software such as: Microsoft Visual C + +, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft FoxPro, Microsoft QuickBasic, Microsoft Visual InterDev, Microsoft Visual J + +, Microsoft Delta, and many others
United States brought a lawsuit against the company