
الاثنين، 24 ديسمبر 2012

Abu al-Qasim

Is Abu al-Qasim Khalaf bin Abbas al-Zahrawi, relative to the Madinat al-Zahra built by the Umayyad 
Andalusia to the north west of the city of Cordoba, and Europeans wrote his name in Latin on several forms.

A doctor, a surgeon, and a workbook, one of the greatest surgeons Arabs and one of the greatest doctors.
Live Abu al-Qasim Khalaf bin Abbas, also known alzhrawi peak Arab civilization in Andalusia, in an environment that is available where all means of production scientific, intellectual and mental, and one of the greatest surgeons Arabs at all for this title of "wounded Arabs greatest", and at the global level is Zahrawi of the largest surgeons who were born human through the ages and times, did not estimate the years and days blur effects of this world feat, has left medical encyclopedia huge called "discharge who is unable to authoring" They Encyclopedia many interest, complete in its meaning, not compose in medicine whole, and is not the best to say and work, and is considered one of the greatest medical books Arabs, described by some as an encyclopaedia, and others said it epic full

The Department of Zahrawi masterpiece into three sections include thirty Pope:
Section I: Diseases and anatomy.
Section II: drugs, drugs and singled him an article of scales, weights and paper feeding and other decorations.
Section III: summed up for surgery and arts.

Excelled Zahrawi art surgery to become His surgical is the first reference to doctors Arabs and Europeans and for several hundred years, and creativities surgical raised such a jurisdiction, at a time when Europe is subject to the decisions of the church which forbids teaching surgery in medical schools, and describe doctors who practice they Basterds and ishonest, but this whole historians Arabic medicine from Europeans that the Arabs alone, led by Al-Zahrawi credited first in the evolution of surgery sense new, and German Orientalist "Sigrid honka" its letter "sun Arabs shines on the West," says in this regard: "This section in particular condemns the Arabs its leadThe rise of the ranked butchers profession to the summit, and to them alone thanks to lift this great art to the
level that it deserves, and preferred to stay. ".

We'll show this urgency major headlines in his collection and made ​​huge contributions in the march of human civilization:

Zahrawi was the first of the foundations of the science of surgery after he put his scientific approach to exercise strict process relies primarily on a thorough knowledge of the science of anatomy.

Is the first to demonstrate bleeding disease called "Hemophilia" and explain how it is transmitted genetically

The Zahrawi additions are very important in the science of dentistry and surgery jaws, and singled out for this specialty chapter of its own, explain how tooth extraction gently and causes jaw fractures during extraction and extraction methods roots molars, and methods of cleaning teeth and treating fractures jaws and teeth germinating misplaced, and excelled in orthodontics where use strands of gold and silver.

Is the first of the books for a cure impairments mouth congenital deformities brackets Sunni and treat pieces adenoids excess of the gums, and the first to use a special machine to remove warts germinating in the nose and cut ligament under the tongue, which hampers speech and cut tumor uvula and the eradication of tonsils and treat frog generated under the tongue, all of this with detailed explanation in addition to the pictures that explain how to conduct operations with fees for each surgical instruments necessary for each operation, in addition to drugs that can stop bleeding in no happen, this is what makes the American world of Dentistry (ABSELL) that is Zahrawi of months dentists and  jaws surgery in twentieth century

Wrote Zahrawi in obstetrics and surgery women is treasure in the science of medicine, where he describes the Deita (TRENDELEMBURE - WALCHER) two important from a medical point, in addition to a description of methods of obstetrics and its complications, and ways to measure deliveries difficult, and how the placenta attached and ectopic pregnancy and ways to treat abortion and innovated special machine to extract the dead fetus, and already d. Flasher around 900 years in the description and treatment of pelvic birth, which is the first to use special machines to expand the cervix, first invented a special machine for screening women still to this day.

In orthopedic surgery has many scientific feats that still part of it followed so far, including: addressing the spread of tuberculosis to paragraphs or what is known today as Pott's disease relative to d. Pot, Zahrawi had previous to the discovery and treatment by about 700 years, also described four ways to respond dislocated shoulder joint and method known today as "KOCHER", in addition to many surgical methods of work in this area.

Al-Zahrawi is first performed the trachea incision.

Is first added, the need to connect the arteries by amputations or during surgery to prevent bleeding, and already Ambroabarry who claimed himself to about 600 years.

Is the first to introduce in the medical use of cotton.

His research and treatments in cancer surgical amaze our time despite the primitive means of diagnosis at the time and that can not be compared with what is available today.

Male Zahrawi anesthesia methods used by the surgical operations, and by narcotic sponge, and materials used by (hashish, plant six-Hasan).

Also noteworthy methods of sterilization of surgical instruments and disinfect wounds and bandages in ways that do not never different from the principles of modern medi0cine.

Translated masterpiece "who is unable to discharge authoring" to many of the world's languages ​​and many times, most recently in 1908, and adopted in all medical schools in the East as in the West, there are still 40 a manuscript copy of the this timeless encyclopedia.

* Traced surgeons such as the famous French "GUY DE CHAULIAC" (1363), who cited more than 200 times his book, as did the world "PARE", and some attributed some of the work for himself like Nicola Alsalzena, all this make of the famous Max Meyerhof say is book "Islam's heritage:" The works of Al-Zahrawi surgical and laid the foundations of the surgery in Europe and the world.

It is worth mentioning that foreign books picked up several forms of the most famous name ABULCASIS - ALBUCASW.

In memory of his colorful and put his image on the glass in the old Milan's famous cathedral, and in the Spanish city of Cordoba Street immortalize his name, also called the name of this genius at many hospitals, 
schools and streets and squares in the Arab and Islamic countries

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