
الأربعاء، 12 ديسمبر 2012


Fermi was a professor of nature at the University of Rome, great enthusiasm to uncover the secrets of the atom, and shot to fame in the scientific community for research which revealed audited element (93) in the periodic table of elements arranged by Russian scientist Mendeleev in 1869. The item number (92 is uranium, which later became filled ears because it was the cause of ending the war. Was research that served by many scientists is to convert the element to another, as it was in previous centuries when they tried to turn lead into gold, so I went all their attempts vain. and then was Marie Curie has revealed an «radium» irradiated, and knew that because of this property, considered appropriate to shift to another element. but the University of Rome were not able to bear the costs of purchasing one gram of radium, for being him Fermi research, as it was required (34) thousand dollars., but did not stop and made attempts on gas radioactive radon, which consists of analyzing radium, a gas is available from sources other natural, since he cum inside a test tube with powder last, he found called radiation for several days and then stops, was this evidence of degradation. concluded Fermi that tube works Kpndeghih to launch «neutrons» that do not carry any shipments of electrical, so they called Mahaadat, and he had to looking for other elements continue the experiments. found its goal after meant the element fluorine, which gave radiation strong, turned to extrusion element uranium - which holds (92) in the table of the elements - and found that it gives more of a radioactive element Clean it turned into a new item is unknown.
Fled Fermi from the hand of fascism and tyranny of Nazism to America, Vtlagafth Columbia University in New York, as was his reputation had preceded that discoverer item number (93), and the New York Times story Italian who tried to destroy the uranium atom, discovered a new element, and then was not scientific research knew that one element can have three images are united in the virtual properties and other properties, which they called isotopes Isotopes. It turns out that the element (93) is no peer of isotopes of element (92) of uranium, and therefore split including Atomic Bozanha, was (U-234, U-235, U-238). He found that most of these isotopes susceptible to splitting when shooting neutrons is the counterpart (U 235), but was Aqaba that rate low in uranium ore does not exceed (0.7)%, which hinders the use his condition natural and necessary raise this ratio to about 4% or 5 % is known as the process of «nuclear enrichment or Altthreyh» (English: Enrichment), and so easy to direct neutrons to in machines that do so, and that has been known since 1929 as accelerated Rahoa (cyclotron) (English: Cyclotron), which was designed by the American Ernest Lawrence, in order to gain atoms wheel acceleration centrifugal forces in the paths spiral accelerated.
But the exigencies of war, did not suit the United States of America to build the accelerator, not had sufficient uranium ore. But because it became a missionary near achieving success, after proposed Fermi possibility dispensing accelerated Rahoa what he called «the rubble» Pile, has made a fleet of aircraft to transfer sufficient uranium ore from Canada and the Belgian Congo (now Zaire), and put at the disposal of the Fermi initiated with fellow Hungarian immigrant (Hungarian) Szilard Szilard pilot in building rubble to be a substitute for accelerator Rahoa.
The face of the rubble intelligently
The idea was smart to rubble, is the lifeline that saved Fermi Research, where mayors and colleague to row layers of uranium on each other so interspersed with layers of graphite to smooth out the starting speed neutrons When uranium atoms split. But this was nothing more than laboratory division, while ambitious the Fermi aims to make it a split sequenced in Canvas, achieved what Einstein said about release of energy from article in 1905, in what was known as the special theory of relativity.
Zaki this trend news from the campaign that Hitler issued orders to all scientists to work in the research division of corn to be used in the war. Tugging Fermi backpacker to Washington, DC, in an attempt to persuade any of the officials the feasibility of adopting the idea that the bombing of the amount of uranium could be thousands of times more strength than any other bomber. And guided his thinking with his Hungarian colleague to be more appropriate than ring the alarm bell for officials is Einstein himself, in view of his extensive scientific and prayer, as well as he knew what was going on in Germany from research in the same field.
Prepared Fermi message urging U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt to adopt research bombing corn and the status of a crucial stage and presented it, was signed by Einstein letter in August 1939, after adding to paragraph smart, noted that the Germans had stopped the sale of uranium to other countries, an indication on the progress of their research for corn, letter concluded by saying «The rights for the first time in history, will be used for energy that does not come from the sun.
Immediately President Roosevelt decided to form a committee «uranium Affairs», and then took atomic research in the United States on a new path, and the mobilization of Rahat scholars who have left Europe to escape the Nazi dictatorship, to complete their research, intensive support from the U.S. authorities. It was these: German Otto Hahn, and the Danish Niels Bohr, James Chadwick British, and Otto Frisch and Anderson Swiss citizens, and Emilio conducted by Italian, French and Irene Joliot and Liz Austrian Mitner. Each of them has sold in Chemistry Research and Nature Agency, but it was the most enthusiastic is 'Fermi' because it was just around the corner from the division of corn idea of ​​rubble.
December 7, 1941, there has been a radical shift in the course of the war, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor the U.S. without prior warning and in the process of a successful surprise, ended with the destruction of the bulk of the fleet cut Crouching in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. It is like a fatal blow to the prestige of America that its role was limited to support the Allies, so the result was inevitable, America's declaration of war on Japan, Germany and Italy rushed to declare war on them. Following heated race between the warring fronts, access to the secrets of nuclear weapons, but the United States had gone a long way. The starting point for the Commission for Research uranium, is to try to destroy the U-235 atoms, as well as that in 1941 succeeded the American world Edwin McMillan in the synthesis of isotope uranium «U 239», which ended after a series of reactions radiation to become plutonium-239, and make sure the possibility of splitting atoms if shot Balniotrnat slow speeds, and there is a glitter of hope in creating a weapon could turn the helm of the war. So the U.S. government has taken a decision that it must maintain a secret atomic research, and formed a military committee headed by General Leslie Groves L.Groves to organize and ensure confidentiality, and the name Codaa Committee took the Manhattan Project. The Commission has developed the military front of several main objectives to achieve its mission, including scientific Trkizseauth in League One, instead of multiple, and chose the University of Chicago in order to gather all scientists Europeans and Americans, to continue their research on the use of energy from the uranium atoms. At the same time camouflage on their mission, so as not detected by thousands of students and teachers, and to provide uranium ore from natural sources in Canada and the Congo, to collect a sufficient amount for further research, as well as raw materials to help such pure graphite, boron, cadmium, and the transfer of plants, which began its operations separate isotope uranium 235, for the production of plutonium for the first nuclear fission chain reaction. And was immediately transferred rubble 'Fermi' pilot from Columbia University to the University of Chicago, to begin his work in the hall was dedicated to dance, also spread around the university, laboratories and warehouses to collect uranium and pure graphite and cadmium.
To imagine how much enthusiasm in the work, the control of the fission chain linking cadmium rods inside piles of uranium and graphite ropes, so that it can be stretched to the inside or outside to control the rate of fission. When the votes were issued Geiger counters near the rubble, was a sign of fission, and the success of the process to control it even though it seemed rudimentary
Navigator arrived
This was done after less than two months at the beginning of the work, on December 2, 1942 specifically, achieve the desired hope that ensure the massive rise in temperature inside the rubble. This success was the first of the results of the Manhattan Project, and joy flooded scientists, Vibrkoa to government cryptographic message read: «Italian navigator arrived to the new minimum. And became on December 2, 1942 is a true-born or rather 'academic' of the atomic age and scientists to control capacity. Immediately, he began to develop rubble Fermi, built reactor where there are potential more accurate, given the code name «X - 10» (x -10), in order to be where irradiation or enriched uranium, plutonium production, and equipped with water pumps to cool the high temperatures which issued him . While began when scientists work at the University of Chicago, bought Gen. «Groves» three spaces spacious in three different states far from urbanization, and proceeded to establish cities confidential and processing, and develop plans to provide the means of work and subsistence and concealment, insurance and entertainment necessary.
The first of these cities in the state of Tennessee next village called Oak Ridge Oak Ridge central United States, and held around a group of factories required under fictitious name is: «Company Clinton Engineering» (Clinton Engineering Co), and mission was to separate uranium-235 from uranium-238 process Altthreyh . To visualize the magnitude of the performance of these plants, it should be noted that one cost manufacturing magnets large size, and weight equivalent weight large ship, electric power, used by another manufacturer, was equivalent to the energy consumed by New York City as a whole, and was the largest U.S. factory as a whole. The world continued U.S. 'Lawrence' work in these factories even available the required quantity of uranium-235, disconnect it from uranium 238 degree appropriate Altthreyh to the atomic bomb.
There were also secret seconds cities in Washington state next to the Columbia River, in an area where no two small villages. The first was held in the village debris consists of three huge piles to convert uranium into plutonium 235. While the second was held in the village big camp to accommodate the establishment of sixty thousand workers and their families, under the name of a fictitious is «Hanford Engineering Company. This combination has worked great under strict security measures. Once finished building rubble huge even evacuated the camp workers and protect them from radiation, for the same reason contoured rubble with thick concrete walls, lined with steel panels, to prevent radiation leakage outside. This was the first use of protective armor of radiation because it has become different from what it was small demo rubble in Chicago. Were not allowed to be completed in the fission rubble, and stop paying cadmium control rods which immediately signs of success fission. As piles of rubble three built next to the river, and worked large pumps to pull water from it, to cool the rubble, then divert the water flow after cooling to the valleys surrounding the area to become artificial lakes.
The third cities confidentiality, Vkdaktmmelt in a mountainous area far from urbanization in northern New Mexico, and was the closest village to fall 80 kilometers, and prepared buildings necessary for the establishment of Lviv scientists at the site called Los Alamos Los Alamos, has painted installations in green so as not to be separated Aircraft from the surrounding grasses, and imposed strict security measures over the two and a half years, where stars gathered scientists and Fermi was one of them. Pool was this inimitable minds, in Los Alamos indication that the American theater is poised to become the first atomic bomb-making, integration of work with what has been in other cities confidential. And successfully separate uranium-235, and the establishment of three Alrkamat, and to produce enough plutonium,
The remaining task is to become the setting for the experience of the first atomic bombing, the culmination of extraordinary efforts continued over a period of six years, and spent more than two billion dollars. And had to be away from the «Los Alamos» distance of approximately (350) kilometers, in a place known as desert Alardo, where I live tower high steel, and equipped with equipment to lift the atomic bomb to the top, and the bomb was experimental contain kilos and one of the U-235. At dawn on July 16, 1945, the bomb was dropped from above the tower, Vantalegt energy after a fraction of a second. During a moments disappeared tower, with the roar of the explosion of scary, and the light is brighter than the sun. After half a minute storm pneumatic removed the tops of the nearby mountains, while prices of a dense cloud in the sky so high (12) kilometers. The blast left a hole in the desert almost a kilometer in diameter, and turned large areas of sand to glass, and estimated the force of the blast as equivalent to bombing (20,000) tons of material (T. N. T.). The Dazzling scientists who watched the explosion from their camp run, and across most of they did not expect to be the energy generated this much power, and that the results are this ugliness, you are assured that human entered a new era, and immediately commissioned the U.S. government a number of military preparation to guide Japan's retaliatory strike, in response to the massacre of 'Pearl Harbor'.
Atomic Bomb
On July 26, 1945, and directed American ultimatum to Japan that succumb within two days, was rejected Prime Minister this requirement, he came reply At eighth quarter on the morning of August 6, 1945 after ten days of warning to surrender, the world awoke to the disaster bombing atomic bomb First, a campaign the U.S. Air Force bombers from model - 29, and dropped over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Is not gone for three days until the second bomb was thrown over the city the Njaasaki, and was
more severe and more terrible, and immediately announced Japan's surrender.

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