
الأربعاء، 12 ديسمبر 2012


German physicist nationality. Discoverer of X-rays known as X-ray or Roentgen rays in 1895. He studied a lot of characteristics discovered this has opened vistas in the fields of medicine and physics. Won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.
Biography (origination)
Born Rotngen in the city of WinPE ((now known b Remcaad)) in Rhinh Prussia and was the only child of a dealer and clothing maker. Called the nation Charlotte Frowein Konstanz Amsterdam. In March 1848 he moved with his family to the city of Apeldoorn and Wilhelm grew up in the Netherlands. Beginning was educated at a boarding school called (Van Dorn Institute of Martinus Herman) in Apeldoorn from 1861 to 1863. He attended Ambcht in school Utrecht and said he was expelled for refusing to disclose the identity of a fellow was accused to paint a bad picture of a teacher at the school. Not only was he expelled later found he could not enroll in any gymnasium other Dutch or German. In 1865 he tried to enroll at the University of Utrecht without obtain a certificate such as the students of others. Heard that joined the Swiss Federal Institute in Zurich Institute (now known as ETH Zurich) has passed the exams there and began to study there as a student in mechanical engineering. In 1869 graduated and earned a doctorate from the University of Zurich, and once become a favorite student of Professor August Aont which was followed by the University of Strasbourg in 1873.
In 1874 became Rotngen lecturer at the University of Strasbourg, and in 1875 became a professor at the Academy of Agriculture at Hohenheim, Württemberg. Again returned to the University of Strasbourg professor of physics in 1876. In 1879 he was   
 appointed to head the Department of Physics at the University of Giessen. In 1888 he was appointed to the presidency of the University of Wurzburg in 1900 he was appointed to the presidency of the University of Munich as a result of a special request from the state government of Bavaria. Röntgen had family in the state of Iowa in the United States has decided to migratory. Although he accepted an appointment at Columbia University in New York City and had already bought tickets across the Atlantic Ocean, but the outbreak of World War changed his plans and stayed in Munich for the rest of his life.
Discovery of X-rays
During 1895 was Rotngen checks from outside influence for many types of devices vacuum tubes through Handash Hz and Johan Wilhelm Htorv and William Crookes, Nikola Tesla, and Phillip van to Anrd. When passed an electrical charge through them at the beginning of November, was re-experience with one of the tubes Leonard were added valve aluminum high for it to be allowed to cathode ray to come out of the tube, but a cover cartoon was added in order to protect aluminum from the ruins of the rays Electrostatic powerful for the production of cathode ray . Is aware that the cover cartoon prevents light from escaping However Note Röntgen that cathode ray invisible caused impact radiant on screen Cardboard small lacquered Bbariom Blattinocanid when placed beside the valve glass, and prepare to Röntgen that Hatolv Crookes with a glass wall thicker than tube Lenard also possible cause the same effect radiator. In the late afternoon of 8 November, 1895, [citation needed] decided Rotngen to test his idea so he carefully design a cover cartoon black similar to the one used in cylinder Leonard stood covered tube Hatolv Crookes  

Pkrton and poster by electrode to file Rmcorv to generate shipment ELECTROSTATIC SPRAYING. Before create barium Blattinocanid screen to try his idea has Rotngen Ptzlam room for testing unenforceable cover Alkrtoy. When Swipe File Rmcorv during ETT has specified that the cover was its light-tight and turned to prepare the next step of the experiment at the moment Note Rotngen blink faint of seat away meters from the tube and order to make sure the test several shipments and saw the same flash in each attempt and discovered that flash was out of place screen barium Blattinocanid which was intended selected thereafter. Rotngen speculated that a new type of radiation is accountable. On Friday, November 8, take advantage of this holiday to re-experience and begins to record his observations. In the weeks following that day he eats and sleeps in his lab so check out a lot of the characteristics of the new rays that temporarily labeled X-rays, using sports label of something unknown. Although the new rays known many Bosamy in many languages ​​even became known as rays Rotngen, the Rotngen prefers the name of X-rays. After almost two weeks of discovery, taking the first picture of him using X-rays at the hands of his wife Anna Bertha. When she saw bones said: "I have seen the dead." The idea that observed Rotngen flashing light from the screen barium Blattinocanid through Fortunately deformation investigative powers, planned to use the screen in the next step in his experience and this will happen on the discovery regardless of moments past few at one point when he had achieved the ability of different materials to stop the rays, Rotngen brought a small piece of lead at the site while the Klan discharge occurs, saw thus Rotngen first radiogram Great restructuring on barium   
Blattinocanid screen. He wrote later that he wanted to continue his experiments in secret, fearing for their professional reputation if his or her fault. The paper was published original Rotngen after 50 years 28 Mismbr 1895. January 5, 1896 Jeridhnmsawih wrote about the discovery Rotngen for a new type of radiation. Rotngen received an honorary doctorate in medicine from the University of Wuerzburg after its discovery. Published three papers on X-rays 1895-1897. Today, the father Röntgen Diagnostic Radiology, and medical specialty that uses imaging to diagnose the disease.
Personal Life
Was Rotngen married Anna Bertha Ludwig (1872-1919), he had one child, Josephine Bertha Ludwig adopted at the age of six in 1887, was the niece of Anna. Died Rotngen in the tenth of February 1923 from bowel cancer. Does not believe that his illness was due to his work in ionizing radiation because he spent a short time in the discovery and he was one of the few pioneers in this area who have used lead shields routinely. According to his will all personal Mrslath and scientific destroyed after his death.
Was a special man, deeply religious, according to describe his friends who helped him after the death of
His wife that chosen by God. [Citation needed]
Honors and awards
In 1901 granting Rotngen first Nobel Prize in Physics and the award was officially "in recognition of exceptional service provided by the great discovery of the rays named after him." Donation Rotngen cash reward of the Nobel Prize for his alma mater. Such as Pierre Curie refused Rotngen out a patent for his discovery as he wants mankind to benefit from 

practical applications for a personal statement himself. So he did not want to call from several rays.
• Sam Rmford (1896).
• Sam Matiosy (1896).
• Elliott Cresson Medal (1897).
• Nobel Prize in Physics (1901).
• In November 2004, the International Union of Pure
and Applied Chemistry named element 111 as Rontginyum in his honor.
• Today, in Remcaad - to depute 40 kilometers east of the city of Dusseldorf no home where Rotngen was born in 1845, which is now a museum as (German Rotngen Museum).
• in many languages ​​uses Rotngen name to refer to the rays and their products rather than the term "X-ray" such as the Japanese "rentogen" and Lithuanian "rentgeno" Hebrew "rentgen" Croatian "rentgen" and other languages.


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