
الخميس، 6 ديسمبر 2012

Sigmund Fred

Sigmund Freud that the man who changed his extremist ideas of the world around us forever. It was for his contributions to psychology and philosophy deep impact in directing the course of the debates about the human mind for more than a century. Weave Freud in his intellectual complete theory of psychological analysis has become a cornerstone in the humanities ..
Sigmund Freud, the founder of the school of psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud was born in Freibj Austria in 1856, and while the fourth-year-old went with his family to Vienna, where he lived nearly eighty years.

Freud was always a disciple edging, which ranked first in his class at graduation, and when it reached the age of seventeen he joined the School of Medicine, which he stayed for eight years to end the study, which usually takes only four years.
This is due to follow-up and much concern of interests outside the field of medicine. Freud was not interested in the fact that becoming a doctor, but believed that the study of medicine is the way to indulge in scientific research.

Freud says historians history of ideas a three giants along with Darwin and his theory of evolution and by Copernic, one of those giants who wounded narcissism rights and removed the mask from a centralized self and humanists whether awareness toward the outside world or spiritual direction regions to humans. Freud wanted to cover reveals human nature, rather than letting prisoner authority biology, wanted to help humans to live an individual life in society

. Freud's theory of psychoanalysis
School started psychoanalysis at the hands of this world Austrian, who was originally a doctor of Neurological Diseases and specialized specifically in the brain anatomy in terms of components and how to treat them prescription drugs.

After World War II came to be seen Freud as one of the greatest discoverers world within man himself, which he called the inner mind and likened him to the well-filled deep memories and feelings. He also found "pre-sense" and the foundations of psychoanalysis has many theories that relate to the specificities and the nature of the human race. Even after 150 years of his birth, there is still highly demanded by the people to undergo psychiatric treatment.

Predominantly on psychoanalytic theory biological nature, a child born when he card provider instinctive sex and strong tendencies to violence.
They called name "Allipido" any energy. These energy come into conflict with the community, and on the basis of the nature of the confrontation and its shape is determined by personal image later. Freud says:
"The instinctive energy that a child is born equipped with specific roles with his or her life. As biological maturity is that carries the child from the stage to the other, but the type and nature of 
the positions that are going through that determine the psychological product of these stages."

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