
الخميس، 6 ديسمبر 2012

Geber ibn Hayyan

Associated with the emergence of chemistry at the Arabs personality sometimes mythical and historical altogether, are personal Geber, and deduce through books that bear his name because of the months chemists Arabs, and is the first representative of the Arab Chemistry.
He is Abu Abdullah Jabir bin Abdullah al-Azdi, was born on the month novels in 101 AH (721 AD) and was also 117 e (737 m), have varied accounts to determine its origin as well as the place of his birth, it is historians say that was born in Kufa on the Euphrates , and some of them say that the origin of the city of Harran acts of Mesopotamia and there even are those who say that the origin Greek or Spanish, and the nearest words to the fact that the origin of Azd, born in Khorasan father English mother Arab, his father sent him to the Arabian Peninsula to connect residents town, and remained there to that reached its peak, and mastered English, and learn the Koran and the account and other sciences

Lived Ibn Hayyan in Iraq Kufa and Baghdad, and during his time in Kufa Contact Imam Jafar Sadeq, then contact Balbramkh who their to tile good, and he had a certain hour enters the Imam al-Sadiq to take the flag from him, and studied at the hands, and through income tile Harun al-Rashidwarmly.
Is the first to dabble in Chemists old and excelled, even the Arabs named chemistry Actions "workmanship Jaber", a reference to the "Geber" is the first of exercised, revealing plural, and eating in his writings metals and oxides and salts, acids nitric and sulfuric and acetic The alkali treatment and attended and clean crystallization, distillation, filtration and escalation.

Geber in fact, is the one who put the scientific underpinnings of modern and contemporary chemistry, and Western scientists to testify to that.
Deepen Jaber in a lot of science and excelled in. as philosophy, logic, medicine, monitoring, mathematics, chemistry, mechanics, astronomy, and other human knowledge, but his fame chemistry overwhelmed him and knew it, and he said it Berthelot Berthelot: "The Jaber in Chemistry what Aristotle in logic. "
The English philosopher (Bacon): (Geber is the first from the knowledge of chemistry to the world, he is Abu Chemistry)
Says Max Meyerhof: the evolution of chemistry can be traced in Europe to Jabir Ibn Hayyan directly. The greatest proof of this is that a lot of the terminology devised by still used in various European languages​​.

Deliberately Geber on experience in research, and secure it firmly, and he recommends his disciples, saying: "The first duty to work and conduct experiments, because of Broken being experiments does not reach to the lowest ranks of perfection. You son experimentally up to knowledge."

Ibn Hayyan works in the field of chemistry
Jabir Club loudly that the study of science-based natural experiment, so we find that Muslim scholars followed the approach of Jabir and took his example and not in the field of chemistry and by, but in the other sciences. And is the first to introduce a scientific experiment in laboratory research approach, which laid down the rules, which is known inventor of alkali in terms of modern chemistry name Arabian Alkali, silver and water.
He is also the owner of the credit as defined by Europeans for ammonium salt, and water gold, potash, and oil of vitriol (sulfuric acid), it also dealt with in his writings metals, oxidation, and their salts, acids nitric and sulfuric, and distillation processes, filtration, and escalation. Among the most important contributions to scientific as well, he had introduced a racist experience and lab in chemistry and Thoroughly recommended research and rely on the experience and patience to carry them out, Jaber is one of the pioneers of Applied Sciences, and reflected his contributions in this field in refining metals, and prepare steel, dyeing and tanning leather, and paint cloth inhibitor for water leaks, and the use of manganese dioxide in glass-making.

Ibn Hayyan is explained in detail how to prepare arsenic, antimony, and metal refining and dye fabrics. And discovered that alum helps to stabilize the color, as it paper-making non-combustible, and also attended some kind of coating prevents the iron from rusting.

The Geber is the first to use the sensitive balances, and finite precision weights in his scientific experiments. He discovered "caustic sodium" or Alqtron, and is the first of conjuring gold and silver water and mixed with sulfuric acid and nitric acid, and the first to introduce a way of separating the gold from silver solution using acid, which is the prevailing way to this day.
He first discovered nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, and introduced improvements on evaporation methods, filtering, and melting and crystallization, distillation.
The estimated time in which he was born Jaber between 721 AD - 722 AD, the date of his death is not known exactly. It is said that he died in 200 AH or approves 815 m, says Holmaard Jaber lived nearly 95 years, and his guide in that literature written can not be done for less than that time.

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