
الأربعاء، 12 ديسمبر 2012


Alexander Fleming (English: Alexander Fleming) (from 1881 to 1955) the discoverer of penicillin Born in Okhveld Scotland in 1881.
Curriculum vitae
After graduating medical school London busy Fleming in studies sterilization. When he joined the army in the First World War, he was interested in wound infection, and noted that a lot of disinfectants body cells Tozy more than same microbes Tovea. Therefore realized that you need to do is kill the bacteria material, and at the same time not Tozy the cells of the body.
In 1922 after the end of the war, he went to his lab completed his studies and guided to a substance dubbed the Asosem this article secreted human body, a mixture of saliva and tears, which is not Tozy body's cells, which eliminate some microbes, but unfortunately, not eliminate microbes harmful to humans. Despite the novelty of this discovery, it was not a great thing.
The great discovery has happened in the year 1928, has been one of the farms bacteria and poisoned air. Fleming noted that Bakntrella melt on fungi in the farm prepared in the laboratory. It was concluded from this that the bacteria secrete an article about fungi, and this article deadly streptococcal. This article dubbed penicillin drug extracted from the mold and this article is not toxic to humans or animals.
And published the results of research Fleming in 1929 and did not draw attention initially. Fleming announced that this discovery could have serious medical benefits. He could not devise a way to extract this article or purification. This magical property remained ten years without the benefit of one. Finally in 1930, he read two British researchers are Howard Florey and Ernst Chain what Fleming wrote about his discovery dangerous, and the two returned the same experiences and Gerba this article on laboratory animals. In the year 1941 used the penicillin to patients. The experiences have proved that this new drug is very important.
And with the help of the governments of America and Britain raced medical company to draw substance penicillin in large quantities. And these companies reached the easiest ways to draw magical material and produce enormous quantities and put it on the market. And penicillin was first used it to treat patients with war ... In 1944, he became accessible to civilians in Britain and America, and when the war ended in 1945 became penicillin in the service of all. The discovery of penicillin to use a lot of antibiotics and the discovery of drugs other magic. Penicillin is still the most common of these drugs to this day. The importance of penicillin in that it is still so far used for many medical purposes. Is used in the treatment of syphilis, gonorrhea, scarlet fever, diphtheria, arthritis, pneumonia and blood poisoning and bone diseases, tuberculosis and Algrgarena and others. No fear of excessive use of penicillin, and that there were very few people are allergic against its use.
His personal life
Fleming married and was happy in his life. And had a son and a single.
His death
Fleming died in 1955 from a stroke attack.
Honors, awards and achievements
And because penicillin has saved the lives of millions of lives and will do so in the future, Alexander Fleming became a significant figure in human history. Though some historians believe that the role of doctors who have succeeded in simplifying the means of extracting penicillin not as important as the discoverer himself, but Fleming is still ahead of them. He may discovery and otherwise preferred to delay the discovery of penicillin decades, or not detected at all. In 1945 he won the Nobel Prize was shared by all of the worlds Florey and Chain who helped in facilitating access to this property.

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