
الاثنين، 24 ديسمبر 2012


They are people who, like other humans, but they did not stand in history in a row public but booked themselves platforms and pulpits see them both chronicled and wrote, possessed the talent and the will and determination, and did not take care of illnesses life to achieve their goals and dreams, was not their ambitions stop at, but were scouring sky to live up their ideas to the world of the highest. They were forerunners to creative discoveries and innovations, and occupied their achievements places white in the darkness of the sky of this world, they deserve appreciation and praise from both science and appreciates the work.

Greats changed the world

.. The one man can change the world ..
.. And a group of men they could change the universe ..

I customize this page for those who have changed the world with their efforts, their knowledge and their innovations ..

To live with them their lives, and take guts and learn from their knowledge, and discern their impact and thank their efforts ..
Perhaps the day will come where our recorded in the same page ..

Abu al-Qasim

Is Abu al-Qasim Khalaf bin Abbas al-Zahrawi, relative to the Madinat al-Zahra built by the Umayyad 
Andalusia to the north west of the city of Cordoba, and Europeans wrote his name in Latin on several forms.

A doctor, a surgeon, and a workbook, one of the greatest surgeons Arabs and one of the greatest doctors.
Live Abu al-Qasim Khalaf bin Abbas, also known alzhrawi peak Arab civilization in Andalusia, in an environment that is available where all means of production scientific, intellectual and mental, and one of the greatest surgeons Arabs at all for this title of "wounded Arabs greatest", and at the global level is Zahrawi of the largest surgeons who were born human through the ages and times, did not estimate the years and days blur effects of this world feat, has left medical encyclopedia huge called "discharge who is unable to authoring" They Encyclopedia many interest, complete in its meaning, not compose in medicine whole, and is not the best to say and work, and is considered one of the greatest medical books Arabs, described by some as an encyclopaedia, and others said it epic full

The Department of Zahrawi masterpiece into three sections include thirty Pope:
Section I: Diseases and anatomy.
Section II: drugs, drugs and singled him an article of scales, weights and paper feeding and other decorations.
Section III: summed up for surgery and arts.

Excelled Zahrawi art surgery to become His surgical is the first reference to doctors Arabs and Europeans and for several hundred years, and creativities surgical raised such a jurisdiction, at a time when Europe is subject to the decisions of the church which forbids teaching surgery in medical schools, and describe doctors who practice they Basterds and ishonest, but this whole historians Arabic medicine from Europeans that the Arabs alone, led by Al-Zahrawi credited first in the evolution of surgery sense new, and German Orientalist "Sigrid honka" its letter "sun Arabs shines on the West," says in this regard: "This section in particular condemns the Arabs its leadThe rise of the ranked butchers profession to the summit, and to them alone thanks to lift this great art to the
level that it deserves, and preferred to stay. ".

We'll show this urgency major headlines in his collection and made ​​huge contributions in the march of human civilization:

Zahrawi was the first of the foundations of the science of surgery after he put his scientific approach to exercise strict process relies primarily on a thorough knowledge of the science of anatomy.

Is the first to demonstrate bleeding disease called "Hemophilia" and explain how it is transmitted genetically

The Zahrawi additions are very important in the science of dentistry and surgery jaws, and singled out for this specialty chapter of its own, explain how tooth extraction gently and causes jaw fractures during extraction and extraction methods roots molars, and methods of cleaning teeth and treating fractures jaws and teeth germinating misplaced, and excelled in orthodontics where use strands of gold and silver.

Is the first of the books for a cure impairments mouth congenital deformities brackets Sunni and treat pieces adenoids excess of the gums, and the first to use a special machine to remove warts germinating in the nose and cut ligament under the tongue, which hampers speech and cut tumor uvula and the eradication of tonsils and treat frog generated under the tongue, all of this with detailed explanation in addition to the pictures that explain how to conduct operations with fees for each surgical instruments necessary for each operation, in addition to drugs that can stop bleeding in no happen, this is what makes the American world of Dentistry (ABSELL) that is Zahrawi of months dentists and  jaws surgery in twentieth century

Wrote Zahrawi in obstetrics and surgery women is treasure in the science of medicine, where he describes the Deita (TRENDELEMBURE - WALCHER) two important from a medical point, in addition to a description of methods of obstetrics and its complications, and ways to measure deliveries difficult, and how the placenta attached and ectopic pregnancy and ways to treat abortion and innovated special machine to extract the dead fetus, and already d. Flasher around 900 years in the description and treatment of pelvic birth, which is the first to use special machines to expand the cervix, first invented a special machine for screening women still to this day.

In orthopedic surgery has many scientific feats that still part of it followed so far, including: addressing the spread of tuberculosis to paragraphs or what is known today as Pott's disease relative to d. Pot, Zahrawi had previous to the discovery and treatment by about 700 years, also described four ways to respond dislocated shoulder joint and method known today as "KOCHER", in addition to many surgical methods of work in this area.

Al-Zahrawi is first performed the trachea incision.

Is first added, the need to connect the arteries by amputations or during surgery to prevent bleeding, and already Ambroabarry who claimed himself to about 600 years.

Is the first to introduce in the medical use of cotton.

His research and treatments in cancer surgical amaze our time despite the primitive means of diagnosis at the time and that can not be compared with what is available today.

Male Zahrawi anesthesia methods used by the surgical operations, and by narcotic sponge, and materials used by (hashish, plant six-Hasan).

Also noteworthy methods of sterilization of surgical instruments and disinfect wounds and bandages in ways that do not never different from the principles of modern medi0cine.

Translated masterpiece "who is unable to discharge authoring" to many of the world's languages ​​and many times, most recently in 1908, and adopted in all medical schools in the East as in the West, there are still 40 a manuscript copy of the this timeless encyclopedia.

* Traced surgeons such as the famous French "GUY DE CHAULIAC" (1363), who cited more than 200 times his book, as did the world "PARE", and some attributed some of the work for himself like Nicola Alsalzena, all this make of the famous Max Meyerhof say is book "Islam's heritage:" The works of Al-Zahrawi surgical and laid the foundations of the surgery in Europe and the world.

It is worth mentioning that foreign books picked up several forms of the most famous name ABULCASIS - ALBUCASW.

In memory of his colorful and put his image on the glass in the old Milan's famous cathedral, and in the Spanish city of Cordoba Street immortalize his name, also called the name of this genius at many hospitals, 
schools and streets and squares in the Arab and Islamic countries

الأربعاء، 12 ديسمبر 2012

William Henry

William Henry Gates III (English: William Henry Gates III) famous Bill Gates, and Bill is an abbreviation of the name of William in the United States of America, a businessman and U.S. programmer and philanthropist. The second-richest person in the world. In 1975 founded Microsoft with Paul Allen has made his fortune by himself [1] and has the largest single share of stock is estimated nine percent of the shares offered
His life
Born in Seattle, Washington, on October 28, 1955). His parents, William Gates and Mary Maxwell Gates. Gates has big sister (Cristani) and junior sister (Libby). It was Whipple Gates fourth of his family name "IIII", but knew William Gates III (III), because his father left his title as the third (III), who is of Irish origin - Scottish (British). Bill Gates was born to a Protestant family belong to Church Alabrchanah. [3] [4] [5]
Child Bill grew up in a family with a long history Balachtgal in politics, business and social service. Work and father - his grandfather and conservative member of the legislature of the state, and the work of his grandfather vice president of a national bank, and his father was a prominent lawyer. She and his mother also a managerial position at the University of Washington, and was a prominent member of the boards of local organizations and banks. For it was not surprising that shows the child Bill intelligence, ambition and competitive spirit early on, has surpassed his colleagues in elementary school, especially in math and science, has realized his parents intelligence early, prompting them to reassign school Lakeside (Lakeside) private and known by lush outstanding academic , and this decision was a deep impact on the lives of Bill and his future, in this school know Bill on the computer for the first time.
His first computer
In the spring of 1968, decided to School Lakeside buy a computer to identify students a world of Computing, The computers at the time were still large and expensive, not the school can afford to buy a computer, for that decided the school users purchased duration is thatThe Council of mothers in school donation campaign which collected a few thousand dollars for this purpose.
Linked students with computers the company through the system - multi-user (Time-Sharing System) over the phone line at the school; and had to be to provide school students organ Partyaa (Terminal), students from which to download the software even be sent over the phone line to the computer company , where there are the treatment process and then send the results to the students via the phone line again. And again bear the expense of buying mothers Council peripheral device type (ASR-33) fed information through paper tape yellow color.
And from that moment became Bill passionate computer - and was then a student in the eighth grade - has spent the majority of his time in the computer room at the school busy writing programs and apply them to the point that he neglected his duties and absent from school ranks in some cases. In this room know Bill Paul Allen (Paul Allen), another student shared his passion and concern in computers, and in a short time has grown between them and close friendship that lasted for many years. The students consumed amount of time allocated to them in record time! The Council was unable mothers bear any additional expenses, pushed them to think of another source provides them with free accounts and a time is limited.
Agreed school later that year with a local company known as Computer Center Corporation - CCC to provide students with more time allocated on the computer, and the system of this company is working on a computer of the type (PDP-10), and accept the Bill and the rest of the students on this computer eagerly and were curious toward his regime, was not long until they began to raise problems. Has caused students to disrupt the system several times, and were able to break the protection system on the computer, also adjusted their files their own accounts for a longer period of time to use the computer, prompting the company of denying them to use the system for several weeks!
After the expiry of deprivation went four students from the school: (Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Rick Leland (Ric Weiland), and I Evans (Kent Evans)) to a company CCC, and gave a presentation requires that help the company to find system errors that have caused violations carried out by Students against the company that gives them a free time and unlimited use of the system. Since the company has tired of system crashes and repeated breach, and agreed to their request and decided to give them this opportunity.
And allowed this opportunity to set the possibility of studying the system software, and gained experience software and extensive programming languages ​​were common at the time, such as BASIC (BASIC), Fortran (FORTRAN), LISP (LISP), and even machine language (Machine Language) They also produce some programs Games .
Starting towards the profession Age
In 1970 and faced CCC financial problems, prompting it to close its doors in March of that year. The group began a new search for granted the opportunity to use computers, Fovr them and Paul Allen's father a chance to use some of the computers, the University of Washington where he worked. But the group did not stop at this point, it was in dire need for those granted the opportunity to demonstrate their skills, computer and after one year and hired the group by a company (. Information Sciences Inc), to write a program to calculate salaries company using the programming language COBOL (COBOL). For the first time students received profit-making versus inimitable talent. In addition to this group granted ownership rights over their programs, have been legally recognized.
This small company achieved a profit of $ 20,000 USD in its first year, and Bill was then in high school, and the company continued to work until the entry Bill University.
In the fall of 1973 he joined Bell at Harvard University, was not at the time had decided after the type of study they wish it, Valthak Law School preliminary experiment, but his heart was still pending computer; was spending the night awake in front of computer laboratories in the university and then spend the day sleeping in the classroom. His friend Paul Allen has also attended Harvard University, and they were continuously Atkablan and they continue to think and dream future projects for the development of software and operating systems.
One day in the month of December of the year 1974, and while he was Paul Allen heading to visit his friend Bill stopped in front of a small shop for the attention of some magazines, and he signed a look at magazine (Popular Electronics) where he appeared on the cover picture of a computer "Altair 8800", and wrote under the file: " first micro-computer intended for commercial purposes, "he bought Paul magazine and quickly set out to see Bill. The two realized that this computer carries major Frsthma and you always dream of. Within days Contact Bill company Mets (Micro Instrumentation & Telemetry System - MITS) the manufacturer of the computer "Altair 8800", and told them that he has developed is a teammate Paul Allen (program interpreter) of the computer writing the programming language BASIC "Altair BASIC - interpreter".
This has been a big lie!! It was not Bill and Allen had books line programmatically one for this computer did not Ichehadah only in pictures magazine just did
يمتلكا even processor Intel 8080 that runs it, but the company agreed to Mkablthma and experimenting new system, which pushed them to start working quickly to write the program. The process of writing the program is responsible for Bill Gates, while Paul Allen began working on finding a way to work computer simulation "Altair 8800" on computers "PDP-10" available in the campus workout program. After eight weeks of continuous work (almost in mid-February of 1975), the two felt that their program has become ready, Fastql Paul Allen plane heading for the Mets to view the program.
At a meeting held at the Mets and the presence of company president Ed Robert (Ed Robert) free Program Paul Computer "Altair 8800", and began the process of running the program for the first real time. Oh wonder!! The program works smoothly and without any errors, and Paul sat with astonishment of this great achievement, and contact Bell to wed him the good news.
Mets contracted directly with both Bill and Paul to buy property rights to the program, and Paul Allen was appointed vice president in the company's software division. In contrast Leave Bill Harvard University and moved on to work with Paul in the development of software; the two realized that the future lies in the software market and that they must Atsdra this path
The birth of Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft)
In mid-1975, and after the resounding success achieved by both Bill Gates and Paul Allen with the Mets, decided the two create a special partnership between them for the development of programs,
أسمياها "Micro-Soft" and constitute this name from the words "Microcomputer" and "Software". Bill Gates owned 60% of the size of the company, while Paul Allen won the remaining 40%, and Bill protested to get the largest share to the reordering of the work in the company, while Paul was still a full-time employee with the Mets. Exposure program interpreter (BASIC-interpreter) which was developed by Microsoft during this period of the theft and illegal copying by hackers, angering Bill Gates and pushed him to write a letter to the pirates in the newspaper company Mets periodic "An Open Letter to Hobbyists", condemns theft and piracy and affirms the right of the programmer to get the price of his production through the sale of software. The result of this letter hostile reactions among piracy. In contrast got Bill on many of the messages that carry proposals to resolve the problem of piracy, included one program development within the chip, "read-only memory (ROM)", and thus become lines program engraved inside the chip of silicon, instead of entering the computer through the paper tape, which makes the theft virtually impossible, and this was the perfect solution in the eyes of Bill Allen, and decided to apply it next time.
With the end of 1976, Microsoft officially registered as an independent company, and earnings of nearly 104 thousand and U.S. $ 216. Paul Allen resigned from Mets for full-time work at Microsoft, and Microsoft continued to develop programs for different systems.
Partnership with IBM
In 1980 began, IBM Global (IBM - International Business Machine Company) project known as the Manhattan Project (Manhattan Project) for the manufacture of personal computers new known as PC "IBM" to be used in offices and homes, the company was in need of an operating system to the new computer; therefore contacted the Microsoft's trying to get on the system. But Microsoft were not possess an operating system ready at that time, so she proposed operating system CP / M, which was developed by company "Digital Research", and already worked IBM's proposal Bill draws delegates from the company to interview Gary Kjeldahl (Gary Kildall) founder "Digital Research ", but a quirk of fate that fails this meeting, it was not originally Gary Mtwajadda time meeting where he had boarded a plane to meet another customer!!!
IBM and returned request the assistance of Bill Gates, and this time he decided to meet their needs and provide them with personally desired running. So, Bill Gates and Paul Allen bought full rights to the operating system ready QDOS (Quick & Dirty Operating System) from developer system programmer Tim Patterson (Tim Paterson), who was working in the company Seattle Computer Products (Seattle Computer Products) for $ 50000 U.S. - did not announce
In the Partnership Agreement, which was held between Microsoft and IBM, Bill Gates insisted to be the exclusive provider of Microsoft operating systems for each personal computer, a subsidiary of IBM, in the sense that IBM is prohibited from contracting with any other software company to buy operating systems for their products. In contrast, the right to Microsoft retain full rights to develop and sell its own operating system for those who want to individuals or companies in an attempt to dominate the software market, a position amusing by reminding them that Bill Gates because he discovered he was going to the most important meeting of his life with IBM to hold a sale that without a tie, he went to the market and delayed the meeting, and says: "better to be late than to go without a tie" ..
And made him a system attractive because it sell at a fixed price and all without the allocation of the identity of the buyer - In the past, the operating systems sold exclusively to a particular company to be run on the devices this company only exclusively, but with the operating system MS-DOS has ended long monopoly and become software accessible to everyone - Bill Gates was aimed through it to build a huge base of users of Microsoft products becomes so the main supplier for all users. The programmer Tim Patterson resigned from the Seattle company for computer products to become an employee of Microsoft Corporation.
August 12, 1981 IBM announced the official publication of the personal computer IBM PC.
In the wake of these events argument broke out between Microsoft and Seattle Computer Products in which he accused both Bill Gates and Paul Allen to act in a manner contrary to the ethics of the profession. When They bought the operating system "QDOS" from the Seattle company did not mention never that they are in negotiations with IBM to develop the operating system. The Seattle company has filed a lawsuit on Microsoft Corporation on the basis of fraud and exploitation to complete the bargain by concealing important information about the nature of the relationship which has IBM company. This case ended later through an out-of-court financial settlement between the two companies.
Paul Allen's resignation
At the end of 1982, the injured Paul Allen Hodgkin's disease, a type of rare cancers that affect the lymphatic system in the body. And the impact Paul Allen resigned from Microsoft to devote himself to treatment, and so Paul Allen left Microsoft forever, but that did not prevent the continuation of the friendship that arose early between Lakeside buddy to this day.
The birth of Microsoft Windows and confrontation with Apple Inc. (Apple)
In 1985 produced Microsoft first version of the Windows operating system 1.0 (Microsoft Windows1.0), who used the application interface graphical (GUI)-inspired system (Xerox PARC) in addition to some parts of the interface are available in regular Apple Lisa and Mac (has allowed Apple computer to Microsoft using these parts on the basis of an agreement between the two companies). This system was an alternative to the operating system MS-DOS and a competitor to the other operating systems available in the market. This enabled the new system users to use your mouse, and move between several windows at the same time, with it contains several applications such as: Notepad (notepad), and a yearly calendar, clock, and program the calculator, as well as the possibility of activating the operating system MS-DOS.
In 1987, the company has produced Microsoft's second version of the operating system and Windows 2.0 (Windows 2.0), and has added some improvements, such as increased processing speed and increasing the size of the RAM used. In addition to supporting the windows feature overlap (overlapping), which means the possibility of opening several windows on top of each other.
Following the release of the second version of Windows, lifted Apple Computer Inc. in 1988 filed a lawsuit against Microsoft Corp. accuses of stealing some of the elements of the graphical application interface for Apple Macintosh computer and used in the Windows operating system. In 1990 and after produced Microsoft's third version of the operating system and Windows 3.0 (Windows 3.0), added additional Apple claims judicial theft lawsuit.
The Apple computer (Apple Computer, Inc) is a leading company in the manufacture of computer hardware and operating systems, originated in 1976, and a variety of versions of its personal computers such as the Apple 1 (Apple I), and Apple 2 (Apple II), and Apple Lisa (Apple Lisa), and Apple Macintosh (Mac) ((Apple Macintosh (Mac). and characterized these versions such as Apple Lisa and Macintosh using the application interface graphical (GUI), and which show windows, icons and menus and index directs using the mouse (mouse). has been used and the application interface graphical for the first time in system known as (Xerox PARC) in the early seventies, Apple has adopted a lot on this system to develop graphical application interface own.
Claimed Apple in its lawsuit judicial that Microsoft stole form and content "look and feel" of the operating system McIntosh, Casthaddamha some properties windows; possibility open on the desktop, resize, and Trakbha, being rectangular in shape, and contains the address bar (title bar).
After a long debate in the case, the judge insisted that Apple offers a specific list of items stolen, the company introduced a list of 189 items. After studying this list the judge decided that 179 of these elements was the right Microsoft used on the basis of the agreement concluded between the two companies in 1985, before the release of the first version of the Windows operating system. And the remaining ten elements does not belong to Apple that each was originally Mistoha system, Xerox, and others is the only way to Tobeiran certain idea. Thus judicial Apple lost its lawsuit, after four years (1992 m) of heated debate. Thinks some critics that Apple were not requests condemn Microsoft Corp. as they were requests to control the design rights full facades application graphical every personal computer on the market, but their hopes failed, did not deter the resolve of the Microsoft Corporation, but gave a boost to the front and fame additional, He also contributed to the success of the third edition of the Windows operating system, as Microsoft sold nearly 10 million copies of this system in the first two years, which began its doors to control the operating systems market not only in the U.S. but worldwide. moved so to become the largest company Software in the world, and made profits of Bill Gates the richest man in the world. Continued Microsoft year after year by issuing copies of successful Windows operating system such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and for Windows Vista did not receive such successes brothers. And the company issuing system and Windows 7 in the twenty-second of October, 2009, and impressions so far refer to accept majority excellent system.
Successful versions of Microsoft
Microsoft has released over thirty years many innovative programs that have spread all over the world and won the admiration of millions of users. Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when you mention the name of Microsoft's software package Office Office (Microsoft Office) issued for the first time in 1989, and includes a range of applications such as the famous: Word program (Word) and Excel (Excel) and PowerPoint (Power Point) and others. In an attempt to share Internet revolution that has swept the world, Microsoft released a program famous Internet Explorer browser (Internet Explorer) in 1994, which is currently used by about 80% of Internet users around the world. Also issued some basic applications such as: ActiveX, Microsoft SQL Server and the famous search engine MSN and then Microsoft has redesigned the engine and launched under the brand name Bing and huge marketing campaign is estimated at $ 100 million.
And Microsoft issued electronic encyclopedia Encarta (Microsoft Encarta) in the year 1993, and available in seven languages ​​worldwide, and includes approximately percent thousand articles with lots of pictures two and three dimensions and sections comic illustrations and timelines, and characterized encyclopedia high degree of accuracy, impartiality and as a result of the financial crisis that hit the whole world was forced Microsoft to announce stopped to Encarta Encyclopedia.
Also contributed to company Maikarsowic in the production of a lot of software famous or development and added some existing software such as: Microsoft Visual C + +, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft FoxPro, Microsoft QuickBasic, Microsoft Visual InterDev, Microsoft Visual J + +, Microsoft Delta, and many others
United States brought a lawsuit against the company


Alexander Fleming (English: Alexander Fleming) (from 1881 to 1955) the discoverer of penicillin Born in Okhveld Scotland in 1881.
Curriculum vitae
After graduating medical school London busy Fleming in studies sterilization. When he joined the army in the First World War, he was interested in wound infection, and noted that a lot of disinfectants body cells Tozy more than same microbes Tovea. Therefore realized that you need to do is kill the bacteria material, and at the same time not Tozy the cells of the body.
In 1922 after the end of the war, he went to his lab completed his studies and guided to a substance dubbed the Asosem this article secreted human body, a mixture of saliva and tears, which is not Tozy body's cells, which eliminate some microbes, but unfortunately, not eliminate microbes harmful to humans. Despite the novelty of this discovery, it was not a great thing.
The great discovery has happened in the year 1928, has been one of the farms bacteria and poisoned air. Fleming noted that Bakntrella melt on fungi in the farm prepared in the laboratory. It was concluded from this that the bacteria secrete an article about fungi, and this article deadly streptococcal. This article dubbed penicillin drug extracted from the mold and this article is not toxic to humans or animals.
And published the results of research Fleming in 1929 and did not draw attention initially. Fleming announced that this discovery could have serious medical benefits. He could not devise a way to extract this article or purification. This magical property remained ten years without the benefit of one. Finally in 1930, he read two British researchers are Howard Florey and Ernst Chain what Fleming wrote about his discovery dangerous, and the two returned the same experiences and Gerba this article on laboratory animals. In the year 1941 used the penicillin to patients. The experiences have proved that this new drug is very important.
And with the help of the governments of America and Britain raced medical company to draw substance penicillin in large quantities. And these companies reached the easiest ways to draw magical material and produce enormous quantities and put it on the market. And penicillin was first used it to treat patients with war ... In 1944, he became accessible to civilians in Britain and America, and when the war ended in 1945 became penicillin in the service of all. The discovery of penicillin to use a lot of antibiotics and the discovery of drugs other magic. Penicillin is still the most common of these drugs to this day. The importance of penicillin in that it is still so far used for many medical purposes. Is used in the treatment of syphilis, gonorrhea, scarlet fever, diphtheria, arthritis, pneumonia and blood poisoning and bone diseases, tuberculosis and Algrgarena and others. No fear of excessive use of penicillin, and that there were very few people are allergic against its use.
His personal life
Fleming married and was happy in his life. And had a son and a single.
His death
Fleming died in 1955 from a stroke attack.
Honors, awards and achievements
And because penicillin has saved the lives of millions of lives and will do so in the future, Alexander Fleming became a significant figure in human history. Though some historians believe that the role of doctors who have succeeded in simplifying the means of extracting penicillin not as important as the discoverer himself, but Fleming is still ahead of them. He may discovery and otherwise preferred to delay the discovery of penicillin decades, or not detected at all. In 1945 he won the Nobel Prize was shared by all of the worlds Florey and Chain who helped in facilitating access to this property.


Fermi was a professor of nature at the University of Rome, great enthusiasm to uncover the secrets of the atom, and shot to fame in the scientific community for research which revealed audited element (93) in the periodic table of elements arranged by Russian scientist Mendeleev in 1869. The item number (92 is uranium, which later became filled ears because it was the cause of ending the war. Was research that served by many scientists is to convert the element to another, as it was in previous centuries when they tried to turn lead into gold, so I went all their attempts vain. and then was Marie Curie has revealed an «radium» irradiated, and knew that because of this property, considered appropriate to shift to another element. but the University of Rome were not able to bear the costs of purchasing one gram of radium, for being him Fermi research, as it was required (34) thousand dollars., but did not stop and made attempts on gas radioactive radon, which consists of analyzing radium, a gas is available from sources other natural, since he cum inside a test tube with powder last, he found called radiation for several days and then stops, was this evidence of degradation. concluded Fermi that tube works Kpndeghih to launch «neutrons» that do not carry any shipments of electrical, so they called Mahaadat, and he had to looking for other elements continue the experiments. found its goal after meant the element fluorine, which gave radiation strong, turned to extrusion element uranium - which holds (92) in the table of the elements - and found that it gives more of a radioactive element Clean it turned into a new item is unknown.
Fled Fermi from the hand of fascism and tyranny of Nazism to America, Vtlagafth Columbia University in New York, as was his reputation had preceded that discoverer item number (93), and the New York Times story Italian who tried to destroy the uranium atom, discovered a new element, and then was not scientific research knew that one element can have three images are united in the virtual properties and other properties, which they called isotopes Isotopes. It turns out that the element (93) is no peer of isotopes of element (92) of uranium, and therefore split including Atomic Bozanha, was (U-234, U-235, U-238). He found that most of these isotopes susceptible to splitting when shooting neutrons is the counterpart (U 235), but was Aqaba that rate low in uranium ore does not exceed (0.7)%, which hinders the use his condition natural and necessary raise this ratio to about 4% or 5 % is known as the process of «nuclear enrichment or Altthreyh» (English: Enrichment), and so easy to direct neutrons to in machines that do so, and that has been known since 1929 as accelerated Rahoa (cyclotron) (English: Cyclotron), which was designed by the American Ernest Lawrence, in order to gain atoms wheel acceleration centrifugal forces in the paths spiral accelerated.
But the exigencies of war, did not suit the United States of America to build the accelerator, not had sufficient uranium ore. But because it became a missionary near achieving success, after proposed Fermi possibility dispensing accelerated Rahoa what he called «the rubble» Pile, has made a fleet of aircraft to transfer sufficient uranium ore from Canada and the Belgian Congo (now Zaire), and put at the disposal of the Fermi initiated with fellow Hungarian immigrant (Hungarian) Szilard Szilard pilot in building rubble to be a substitute for accelerator Rahoa.
The face of the rubble intelligently
The idea was smart to rubble, is the lifeline that saved Fermi Research, where mayors and colleague to row layers of uranium on each other so interspersed with layers of graphite to smooth out the starting speed neutrons When uranium atoms split. But this was nothing more than laboratory division, while ambitious the Fermi aims to make it a split sequenced in Canvas, achieved what Einstein said about release of energy from article in 1905, in what was known as the special theory of relativity.
Zaki this trend news from the campaign that Hitler issued orders to all scientists to work in the research division of corn to be used in the war. Tugging Fermi backpacker to Washington, DC, in an attempt to persuade any of the officials the feasibility of adopting the idea that the bombing of the amount of uranium could be thousands of times more strength than any other bomber. And guided his thinking with his Hungarian colleague to be more appropriate than ring the alarm bell for officials is Einstein himself, in view of his extensive scientific and prayer, as well as he knew what was going on in Germany from research in the same field.
Prepared Fermi message urging U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt to adopt research bombing corn and the status of a crucial stage and presented it, was signed by Einstein letter in August 1939, after adding to paragraph smart, noted that the Germans had stopped the sale of uranium to other countries, an indication on the progress of their research for corn, letter concluded by saying «The rights for the first time in history, will be used for energy that does not come from the sun.
Immediately President Roosevelt decided to form a committee «uranium Affairs», and then took atomic research in the United States on a new path, and the mobilization of Rahat scholars who have left Europe to escape the Nazi dictatorship, to complete their research, intensive support from the U.S. authorities. It was these: German Otto Hahn, and the Danish Niels Bohr, James Chadwick British, and Otto Frisch and Anderson Swiss citizens, and Emilio conducted by Italian, French and Irene Joliot and Liz Austrian Mitner. Each of them has sold in Chemistry Research and Nature Agency, but it was the most enthusiastic is 'Fermi' because it was just around the corner from the division of corn idea of ​​rubble.
December 7, 1941, there has been a radical shift in the course of the war, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor the U.S. without prior warning and in the process of a successful surprise, ended with the destruction of the bulk of the fleet cut Crouching in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. It is like a fatal blow to the prestige of America that its role was limited to support the Allies, so the result was inevitable, America's declaration of war on Japan, Germany and Italy rushed to declare war on them. Following heated race between the warring fronts, access to the secrets of nuclear weapons, but the United States had gone a long way. The starting point for the Commission for Research uranium, is to try to destroy the U-235 atoms, as well as that in 1941 succeeded the American world Edwin McMillan in the synthesis of isotope uranium «U 239», which ended after a series of reactions radiation to become plutonium-239, and make sure the possibility of splitting atoms if shot Balniotrnat slow speeds, and there is a glitter of hope in creating a weapon could turn the helm of the war. So the U.S. government has taken a decision that it must maintain a secret atomic research, and formed a military committee headed by General Leslie Groves L.Groves to organize and ensure confidentiality, and the name Codaa Committee took the Manhattan Project. The Commission has developed the military front of several main objectives to achieve its mission, including scientific Trkizseauth in League One, instead of multiple, and chose the University of Chicago in order to gather all scientists Europeans and Americans, to continue their research on the use of energy from the uranium atoms. At the same time camouflage on their mission, so as not detected by thousands of students and teachers, and to provide uranium ore from natural sources in Canada and the Congo, to collect a sufficient amount for further research, as well as raw materials to help such pure graphite, boron, cadmium, and the transfer of plants, which began its operations separate isotope uranium 235, for the production of plutonium for the first nuclear fission chain reaction. And was immediately transferred rubble 'Fermi' pilot from Columbia University to the University of Chicago, to begin his work in the hall was dedicated to dance, also spread around the university, laboratories and warehouses to collect uranium and pure graphite and cadmium.
To imagine how much enthusiasm in the work, the control of the fission chain linking cadmium rods inside piles of uranium and graphite ropes, so that it can be stretched to the inside or outside to control the rate of fission. When the votes were issued Geiger counters near the rubble, was a sign of fission, and the success of the process to control it even though it seemed rudimentary
Navigator arrived
This was done after less than two months at the beginning of the work, on December 2, 1942 specifically, achieve the desired hope that ensure the massive rise in temperature inside the rubble. This success was the first of the results of the Manhattan Project, and joy flooded scientists, Vibrkoa to government cryptographic message read: «Italian navigator arrived to the new minimum. And became on December 2, 1942 is a true-born or rather 'academic' of the atomic age and scientists to control capacity. Immediately, he began to develop rubble Fermi, built reactor where there are potential more accurate, given the code name «X - 10» (x -10), in order to be where irradiation or enriched uranium, plutonium production, and equipped with water pumps to cool the high temperatures which issued him . While began when scientists work at the University of Chicago, bought Gen. «Groves» three spaces spacious in three different states far from urbanization, and proceeded to establish cities confidential and processing, and develop plans to provide the means of work and subsistence and concealment, insurance and entertainment necessary.
The first of these cities in the state of Tennessee next village called Oak Ridge Oak Ridge central United States, and held around a group of factories required under fictitious name is: «Company Clinton Engineering» (Clinton Engineering Co), and mission was to separate uranium-235 from uranium-238 process Altthreyh . To visualize the magnitude of the performance of these plants, it should be noted that one cost manufacturing magnets large size, and weight equivalent weight large ship, electric power, used by another manufacturer, was equivalent to the energy consumed by New York City as a whole, and was the largest U.S. factory as a whole. The world continued U.S. 'Lawrence' work in these factories even available the required quantity of uranium-235, disconnect it from uranium 238 degree appropriate Altthreyh to the atomic bomb.
There were also secret seconds cities in Washington state next to the Columbia River, in an area where no two small villages. The first was held in the village debris consists of three huge piles to convert uranium into plutonium 235. While the second was held in the village big camp to accommodate the establishment of sixty thousand workers and their families, under the name of a fictitious is «Hanford Engineering Company. This combination has worked great under strict security measures. Once finished building rubble huge even evacuated the camp workers and protect them from radiation, for the same reason contoured rubble with thick concrete walls, lined with steel panels, to prevent radiation leakage outside. This was the first use of protective armor of radiation because it has become different from what it was small demo rubble in Chicago. Were not allowed to be completed in the fission rubble, and stop paying cadmium control rods which immediately signs of success fission. As piles of rubble three built next to the river, and worked large pumps to pull water from it, to cool the rubble, then divert the water flow after cooling to the valleys surrounding the area to become artificial lakes.
The third cities confidentiality, Vkdaktmmelt in a mountainous area far from urbanization in northern New Mexico, and was the closest village to fall 80 kilometers, and prepared buildings necessary for the establishment of Lviv scientists at the site called Los Alamos Los Alamos, has painted installations in green so as not to be separated Aircraft from the surrounding grasses, and imposed strict security measures over the two and a half years, where stars gathered scientists and Fermi was one of them. Pool was this inimitable minds, in Los Alamos indication that the American theater is poised to become the first atomic bomb-making, integration of work with what has been in other cities confidential. And successfully separate uranium-235, and the establishment of three Alrkamat, and to produce enough plutonium,
The remaining task is to become the setting for the experience of the first atomic bombing, the culmination of extraordinary efforts continued over a period of six years, and spent more than two billion dollars. And had to be away from the «Los Alamos» distance of approximately (350) kilometers, in a place known as desert Alardo, where I live tower high steel, and equipped with equipment to lift the atomic bomb to the top, and the bomb was experimental contain kilos and one of the U-235. At dawn on July 16, 1945, the bomb was dropped from above the tower, Vantalegt energy after a fraction of a second. During a moments disappeared tower, with the roar of the explosion of scary, and the light is brighter than the sun. After half a minute storm pneumatic removed the tops of the nearby mountains, while prices of a dense cloud in the sky so high (12) kilometers. The blast left a hole in the desert almost a kilometer in diameter, and turned large areas of sand to glass, and estimated the force of the blast as equivalent to bombing (20,000) tons of material (T. N. T.). The Dazzling scientists who watched the explosion from their camp run, and across most of they did not expect to be the energy generated this much power, and that the results are this ugliness, you are assured that human entered a new era, and immediately commissioned the U.S. government a number of military preparation to guide Japan's retaliatory strike, in response to the massacre of 'Pearl Harbor'.
Atomic Bomb
On July 26, 1945, and directed American ultimatum to Japan that succumb within two days, was rejected Prime Minister this requirement, he came reply At eighth quarter on the morning of August 6, 1945 after ten days of warning to surrender, the world awoke to the disaster bombing atomic bomb First, a campaign the U.S. Air Force bombers from model - 29, and dropped over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Is not gone for three days until the second bomb was thrown over the city the Njaasaki, and was
more severe and more terrible, and immediately announced Japan's surrender.

Ali Mustafa

    Ali Mustafa Senior Pasha (22 February 1316 e / July 11, 1898 - Jan 15 1950) world theoretical physics Egyptian, born in Damietta, nicknamed Boanstein Arabs, taught by Albert Einstein, [1] graduated in the Ecole Normale Supérieure, 1917, and obtained Doctor of Philosophy of Science Ph.D. from the University of London 1923 and was the first Egyptian to get the degree of Doctor of Science D.Sc from England of the University of London, 1924, was appointed professor of mathematics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and of Applied Sport Science 1926. Awarded the title of professor from Cairo University and is under thirty years of age. Elected in 1936 as Dean of the Faculty of Science, making him the first Egyptian Dean. Got title Alepeshawih of King Farouk. Student of his hand a group of the most famous scientists Egypt, including Samira Moussa.
His life
Born Ali Mustafa honorable in the atheist th of July 1898 in the city of Damietta, and was the eldest son of Mustafa honorable one and elders of that city and, and proficient in the science of religion affected ideas Jamaluddin Afghani, Muhammad Abduh rationality in understanding Islam and fight heresies and superstitions, and was diligent in religion has followers and Meredon his fifth of his doctrine.
Received on his studies first at the hands of his father and then at school, "Ahmed Ketbi," and was always one of the first in the study, but his childhood devoid of all where he says about it: (I've Avni and I am a child to be in the foreground, Fajlt my childhood of all joyful. and I learned at that age that play is a waste of time - as was telling his mother - learned grouper and sleep at the age of entertainment and fun, even running I thought of him as a departure from the grouper).
Was eleven years old when he lost his father in 1909, after he lost his fortune in speculation cotton in 1907 and lost their land and property and even his house, and found the same family man destitute composed of mother and sister and three brothers, Vojbarham this situation to leave for Cairo and housing in one of the apartments modest neighborhood Abdeen, while enrolled at school Abbasid secondary Alexandria where he spent years in the inner section free then moved to the school Saidia in Cairo and free also for excellence school, picking them on the first section of the secondary school certificate (efficiency) in 1912, and the second section ( Baccalaureate) in 1914, and ranked second on the whole country with the age of sixteen years, a unique event in the world of education in Egypt at that time. And his family this superiority - especially in science - to enroll in any high school of his choice, such as medicine or engineering, but preferred to affiliate Teachers High, where he graduated three years after the first prize, Fajtarth Ministry of Education public to a scientific expedition to Britain at its own expense.
Began a new phase of his scientific career affiliation in the fall of 1917 to the University of Nottingham English, where he received a bachelor's degree in mathematics in three years instead of four. During the flare the 1919 revolution led by Saad Zaghloul, wrote Mustafa honorable to his friend Mahmoud Fahmi Nuqrashi - a revolution leaders - tell him where his desire back to Egypt to participate in the revolution, and was the answer Nuqrashi him: "We need you a more than we need you flustered, complete your education and you can serve Egypt at universities in England more than they serve in the streets of Egypt. " And has attracted the outcome consider teachers who suggested to the Ministry of Education Egyptian to follow honorable studied science at the University of London, may answer the request, and he joined in 1920 Royal College (kings college), and he earned in 1923 a doctorate in philosophy of science under the supervision of the world famous physicist Charles Thomas Wilson Charles T. Wilson - the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1927 - and then in 1924 obtained the Doctorate of Science from the University of London, the highest degree
Most important work
Born Ali Mustafa honorable in the atheist th of July 1898 in the city of Damietta, and was the eldest son of Mustafa honorable one and elders of that city and أثريائها, and proficient in the science of religion affected ideas Jamaluddin Afghani, Muhammad Abduh rationality in understanding Islam and fight heresies and superstitions, and it was hardworking in religion has followers and Meredon his fifth of his doctrine. Received on his studies first at the hands of his father and then at school, "Ahmed Ketbi," and was always one of the first in the study, but his childhood devoid of all مباهجها where he says about it: (I've Avni and I am a child to be in the foreground, Fajlt my childhood of all joyful. and I learned at that age that play is a waste of time - as was telling his mother - learned grouper and sleep at the age of entertainment and fun, even running I thought of him as a departure from the grouper). Was eleven years old when he lost his father in 1909, after he lost his fortune in speculation cotton in 1907 and lost their land and property and even his house, and found the same family man destitute composed of mother and sister and three brothers, Vojbarham this situation to leave for Cairo and housing in one of the apartments modest neighborhood Abdeen, while enrolled at school Abbasid secondary Alexandria where he spent years in the inner section free then moved to the school Saidia in Cairo and free also for excellence school, picking them on the first section of the secondary school certificate (efficiency) in 1912, and the second section ( Baccalaureate) in 1914, and ranked second on the whole country with the age of sixteen years, a unique event in the world of education in Egypt at that time. And his family this superiority - especially in science - to enroll in any high school of his choice, such as medicine or engineering, but preferred to affiliate Teachers High, where he graduated three years after the first prize, Fajtarth Ministry of Education public to a scientific expedition to Britain at its own expense. Began a new phase of his scientific career affiliation in the fall of 1917 to the University of Nottingham English, where he received a bachelor's degree in mathematics in three years instead of four. During the flare the 1919 revolution led by Saad Zaghloul, wrote Mustafa honorable to his friend Mahmoud Fahmi Nuqrashi - a revolution leaders - tell him where his desire back to Egypt to participate in the revolution, and was the answer Nuqrashi him: "We need you a more than we need you flustered, complete your education and you can serve Egypt at universities in England more than they serve in the streets of Egypt. " And has attracted the outcome consider teachers who suggested to the Ministry of Education Egyptian to follow honorable studied science at the University of London, may answer the request, and he joined in 1920 Royal College (kings college), and he earned in 1923 a doctorate in philosophy of science under the supervision of the world famous physicist Charles Thomas Wilson Charles T. Wilson - the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1927 - and then in 1924 obtained the Doctorate of Science from the University of London, the highest degree
His most recent
Dr. superintendent of the faithful of the importance of the role of science in the progress of nations, and so  among all walks of life even though they specialize it, so it was his interest in a position to put books summarize and explain the principles of the science complex for the average citizen simple, to be able to understand and dialogue, such as any of the Other topics, and was constantly mention it in the introductions to his books, which explain complex scientific puzzles simply and clearly so that all people understand even by non-specialists. One of the most important written as follows:

• mechanics scientific and theoretical 1937
• Descriptive Geometry 1937
• scientific readings 1943
• Engineering flat and steric 1944
• Plane Trigonometry 1944
• Corn and atomic bombs, 1945
• Science and Life 1946
• Engineering and trigonometry 1947
• We, Scientific 1945
• special theory of relativity, 1943

His death
He died on 15 January 1950, following a heart attack, and is rumored to have died poisoned and was told that a representative of King Farouk was behind his death, as was also said to be one of Mossad operations. [2]
It was his disciples Fahmy Ibrahim Mikhail Mohamed Morsi Ahmad Ashour gift, Afaf Sabri and Samira Moussa and Mahmoud El-Sherbini


German physicist nationality. Discoverer of X-rays known as X-ray or Roentgen rays in 1895. He studied a lot of characteristics discovered this has opened vistas in the fields of medicine and physics. Won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.
Biography (origination)
Born Rotngen in the city of WinPE ((now known b Remcaad)) in Rhinh Prussia and was the only child of a dealer and clothing maker. Called the nation Charlotte Frowein Konstanz Amsterdam. In March 1848 he moved with his family to the city of Apeldoorn and Wilhelm grew up in the Netherlands. Beginning was educated at a boarding school called (Van Dorn Institute of Martinus Herman) in Apeldoorn from 1861 to 1863. He attended Ambcht in school Utrecht and said he was expelled for refusing to disclose the identity of a fellow was accused to paint a bad picture of a teacher at the school. Not only was he expelled later found he could not enroll in any gymnasium other Dutch or German. In 1865 he tried to enroll at the University of Utrecht without obtain a certificate such as the students of others. Heard that joined the Swiss Federal Institute in Zurich Institute (now known as ETH Zurich) has passed the exams there and began to study there as a student in mechanical engineering. In 1869 graduated and earned a doctorate from the University of Zurich, and once become a favorite student of Professor August Aont which was followed by the University of Strasbourg in 1873.
In 1874 became Rotngen lecturer at the University of Strasbourg, and in 1875 became a professor at the Academy of Agriculture at Hohenheim, Württemberg. Again returned to the University of Strasbourg professor of physics in 1876. In 1879 he was   
 appointed to head the Department of Physics at the University of Giessen. In 1888 he was appointed to the presidency of the University of Wurzburg in 1900 he was appointed to the presidency of the University of Munich as a result of a special request from the state government of Bavaria. Röntgen had family in the state of Iowa in the United States has decided to migratory. Although he accepted an appointment at Columbia University in New York City and had already bought tickets across the Atlantic Ocean, but the outbreak of World War changed his plans and stayed in Munich for the rest of his life.
Discovery of X-rays
During 1895 was Rotngen checks from outside influence for many types of devices vacuum tubes through Handash Hz and Johan Wilhelm Htorv and William Crookes, Nikola Tesla, and Phillip van to Anrd. When passed an electrical charge through them at the beginning of November, was re-experience with one of the tubes Leonard were added valve aluminum high for it to be allowed to cathode ray to come out of the tube, but a cover cartoon was added in order to protect aluminum from the ruins of the rays Electrostatic powerful for the production of cathode ray . Is aware that the cover cartoon prevents light from escaping However Note Röntgen that cathode ray invisible caused impact radiant on screen Cardboard small lacquered Bbariom Blattinocanid when placed beside the valve glass, and prepare to Röntgen that Hatolv Crookes with a glass wall thicker than tube Lenard also possible cause the same effect radiator. In the late afternoon of 8 November, 1895, [citation needed] decided Rotngen to test his idea so he carefully design a cover cartoon black similar to the one used in cylinder Leonard stood covered tube Hatolv Crookes  

Pkrton and poster by electrode to file Rmcorv to generate shipment ELECTROSTATIC SPRAYING. Before create barium Blattinocanid screen to try his idea has Rotngen Ptzlam room for testing unenforceable cover Alkrtoy. When Swipe File Rmcorv during ETT has specified that the cover was its light-tight and turned to prepare the next step of the experiment at the moment Note Rotngen blink faint of seat away meters from the tube and order to make sure the test several shipments and saw the same flash in each attempt and discovered that flash was out of place screen barium Blattinocanid which was intended selected thereafter. Rotngen speculated that a new type of radiation is accountable. On Friday, November 8, take advantage of this holiday to re-experience and begins to record his observations. In the weeks following that day he eats and sleeps in his lab so check out a lot of the characteristics of the new rays that temporarily labeled X-rays, using sports label of something unknown. Although the new rays known many Bosamy in many languages ​​even became known as rays Rotngen, the Rotngen prefers the name of X-rays. After almost two weeks of discovery, taking the first picture of him using X-rays at the hands of his wife Anna Bertha. When she saw bones said: "I have seen the dead." The idea that observed Rotngen flashing light from the screen barium Blattinocanid through Fortunately deformation investigative powers, planned to use the screen in the next step in his experience and this will happen on the discovery regardless of moments past few at one point when he had achieved the ability of different materials to stop the rays, Rotngen brought a small piece of lead at the site while the Klan discharge occurs, saw thus Rotngen first radiogram Great restructuring on barium   
Blattinocanid screen. He wrote later that he wanted to continue his experiments in secret, fearing for their professional reputation if his or her fault. The paper was published original Rotngen after 50 years 28 Mismbr 1895. January 5, 1896 Jeridhnmsawih wrote about the discovery Rotngen for a new type of radiation. Rotngen received an honorary doctorate in medicine from the University of Wuerzburg after its discovery. Published three papers on X-rays 1895-1897. Today, the father Röntgen Diagnostic Radiology, and medical specialty that uses imaging to diagnose the disease.
Personal Life
Was Rotngen married Anna Bertha Ludwig (1872-1919), he had one child, Josephine Bertha Ludwig adopted at the age of six in 1887, was the niece of Anna. Died Rotngen in the tenth of February 1923 from bowel cancer. Does not believe that his illness was due to his work in ionizing radiation because he spent a short time in the discovery and he was one of the few pioneers in this area who have used lead shields routinely. According to his will all personal Mrslath and scientific destroyed after his death.
Was a special man, deeply religious, according to describe his friends who helped him after the death of
His wife that chosen by God. [Citation needed]
Honors and awards
In 1901 granting Rotngen first Nobel Prize in Physics and the award was officially "in recognition of exceptional service provided by the great discovery of the rays named after him." Donation Rotngen cash reward of the Nobel Prize for his alma mater. Such as Pierre Curie refused Rotngen out a patent for his discovery as he wants mankind to benefit from 

practical applications for a personal statement himself. So he did not want to call from several rays.
• Sam Rmford (1896).
• Sam Matiosy (1896).
• Elliott Cresson Medal (1897).
• Nobel Prize in Physics (1901).
• In November 2004, the International Union of Pure
and Applied Chemistry named element 111 as Rontginyum in his honor.
• Today, in Remcaad - to depute 40 kilometers east of the city of Dusseldorf no home where Rotngen was born in 1845, which is now a museum as (German Rotngen Museum).
• in many languages ​​uses Rotngen name to refer to the rays and their products rather than the term "X-ray" such as the Japanese "rentogen" and Lithuanian "rentgeno" Hebrew "rentgen" Croatian "rentgen" and other languages.


الخميس، 6 ديسمبر 2012

Geber ibn Hayyan

Associated with the emergence of chemistry at the Arabs personality sometimes mythical and historical altogether, are personal Geber, and deduce through books that bear his name because of the months chemists Arabs, and is the first representative of the Arab Chemistry.
He is Abu Abdullah Jabir bin Abdullah al-Azdi, was born on the month novels in 101 AH (721 AD) and was also 117 e (737 m), have varied accounts to determine its origin as well as the place of his birth, it is historians say that was born in Kufa on the Euphrates , and some of them say that the origin of the city of Harran acts of Mesopotamia and there even are those who say that the origin Greek or Spanish, and the nearest words to the fact that the origin of Azd, born in Khorasan father English mother Arab, his father sent him to the Arabian Peninsula to connect residents town, and remained there to that reached its peak, and mastered English, and learn the Koran and the account and other sciences

Lived Ibn Hayyan in Iraq Kufa and Baghdad, and during his time in Kufa Contact Imam Jafar Sadeq, then contact Balbramkh who their to tile good, and he had a certain hour enters the Imam al-Sadiq to take the flag from him, and studied at the hands, and through income tile Harun al-Rashidwarmly.
Is the first to dabble in Chemists old and excelled, even the Arabs named chemistry Actions "workmanship Jaber", a reference to the "Geber" is the first of exercised, revealing plural, and eating in his writings metals and oxides and salts, acids nitric and sulfuric and acetic The alkali treatment and attended and clean crystallization, distillation, filtration and escalation.

Geber in fact, is the one who put the scientific underpinnings of modern and contemporary chemistry, and Western scientists to testify to that.
Deepen Jaber in a lot of science and excelled in. as philosophy, logic, medicine, monitoring, mathematics, chemistry, mechanics, astronomy, and other human knowledge, but his fame chemistry overwhelmed him and knew it, and he said it Berthelot Berthelot: "The Jaber in Chemistry what Aristotle in logic. "
The English philosopher (Bacon): (Geber is the first from the knowledge of chemistry to the world, he is Abu Chemistry)
Says Max Meyerhof: the evolution of chemistry can be traced in Europe to Jabir Ibn Hayyan directly. The greatest proof of this is that a lot of the terminology devised by still used in various European languages​​.

Deliberately Geber on experience in research, and secure it firmly, and he recommends his disciples, saying: "The first duty to work and conduct experiments, because of Broken being experiments does not reach to the lowest ranks of perfection. You son experimentally up to knowledge."

Ibn Hayyan works in the field of chemistry
Jabir Club loudly that the study of science-based natural experiment, so we find that Muslim scholars followed the approach of Jabir and took his example and not in the field of chemistry and by, but in the other sciences. And is the first to introduce a scientific experiment in laboratory research approach, which laid down the rules, which is known inventor of alkali in terms of modern chemistry name Arabian Alkali, silver and water.
He is also the owner of the credit as defined by Europeans for ammonium salt, and water gold, potash, and oil of vitriol (sulfuric acid), it also dealt with in his writings metals, oxidation, and their salts, acids nitric and sulfuric, and distillation processes, filtration, and escalation. Among the most important contributions to scientific as well, he had introduced a racist experience and lab in chemistry and Thoroughly recommended research and rely on the experience and patience to carry them out, Jaber is one of the pioneers of Applied Sciences, and reflected his contributions in this field in refining metals, and prepare steel, dyeing and tanning leather, and paint cloth inhibitor for water leaks, and the use of manganese dioxide in glass-making.

Ibn Hayyan is explained in detail how to prepare arsenic, antimony, and metal refining and dye fabrics. And discovered that alum helps to stabilize the color, as it paper-making non-combustible, and also attended some kind of coating prevents the iron from rusting.

The Geber is the first to use the sensitive balances, and finite precision weights in his scientific experiments. He discovered "caustic sodium" or Alqtron, and is the first of conjuring gold and silver water and mixed with sulfuric acid and nitric acid, and the first to introduce a way of separating the gold from silver solution using acid, which is the prevailing way to this day.
He first discovered nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, and introduced improvements on evaporation methods, filtering, and melting and crystallization, distillation.
The estimated time in which he was born Jaber between 721 AD - 722 AD, the date of his death is not known exactly. It is said that he died in 200 AH or approves 815 m, says Holmaard Jaber lived nearly 95 years, and his guide in that literature written can not be done for less than that time.